The program consists of ten rounds of intercomparison distributed throughout the year, which is a monthly analysis (except July and August) of a sample of raw materials and other feed. Parallel to the full program, the exercise develops an other program using NIR technique for analysis and there are a third one of vitamins on feed. Participation in this exercise has a target to assess continuously the laboratory analytical methods and monitor their results.

AsfacLab program is an exercise of intercomparison of laboratories performing analysis of feed and raw materials for animal feed.
Development of the exercise
and sample treatment
For the development of this exercise a sample of raw material and feed the object of analysis are sent to participating laboratories. Each laboratory has a single login and password, thus ensuring the absolute confidentiality of data processed.
The proficiency testing circuit AsfacLab are managed in accordance to the established routine in ISO Guide 43 and ILAC Guide G-13, and the final report is based on robust statistics defined in ISO 13528. Participation in proficiency testing is a requirement for accredited laboratories according to the UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17025. The continuous improvement process enables the program to adapt to new requirements and their development is recorded in a standard operating procedure which establish correct operation. The program develops tests for homogeneity and stability of the samples provided.
Collaborate with AsfacLab
The intercomparison exercise AsfacLab is developed since 1996 through the collaboration of the Catalan Association of Feed Manufacturers (ASFAC) and Laboratory of official food control of the catalan administration.